STEM on the move
CarrellONE is the first scientific laboratory on a kart that is in the same time a making table all in one, which brings the STEM experience around the school in a beautiful and sustainable shape.
What makes it special
It solves the problem of managing and sharing the internal laboratory resources of the school in a eye catching solution.
A STEAM kart with an extra twist
GESS Award finalist 2024
Best solution to support the learning of STEM and coding.

Bring STEAM where you need them
CarrellONE is the first compact laboratory on wheels and a making table which brings the STEM experience widely throughout the school, where it is more useful and interesting to carry out and develop experiences of active teaching and learning.
It is a “made in Italy” project that arises from the observation of what it happens every day in schools and from the creativity of the Architect Francesco Bombardi, combined with thirty years of research on learning spaces, STEM and innovative technologies from CampuStore.

A solution to a problem
How many times do we find ourselves moving equipment from a classroom to the other, struggling and risking breaking them?
How many times we improvise original configurations to encourage everyone’s participation and accessibility, trying to connect devices without tripping over their cables?
Furthermore, the ergonomics of a laboratory activity requires a furnishings systems and use of tools that is different from a normal classroom, designed for frontal teaching.
CarrellONE is the answer to these problems, a new way to encourage STEM activities in schools. It is a mobile laboratory and a flexible, easy to move solution, even when it has to be transfer by the elevator.

Technologies and STEM integrated into a trolley
CarrellONE is a compact microarchitecture, inspired by ancient travel trunks used for transatlantic journeys, which opens and closes enabling a series of experiences linked to technological kits for which tailormade accommodations and slots are designed.
Technologies are not included, in order to manage requests of customization of each school, but the CarellONE is already designed and prepared for some tools.
Among them: 3D printer, lasercutter, projector, LED lights, whiteboard writable, tool wall, drawers for robotic components, chemistry laboratory.
Furthermore, the laboratory is suitable for hosting kits supplements requested by the school: it can therefore be customized on request.
One side of the kart is completely writable.