THE widest educational robotics catalogue in Europe.
From kindergaten to long-life learning.
Innovative solutions for hands-on learning: CampuStore has the widest selection of STEM and educational robots in Europe.
We love robots because they make learning fun and effective, but also because they are a marvellous way to enrich classrrom wellbeing, cooperation and collaboration.
We have been awarded by LEGO Education as best partner Worldwide in 2022 and we've distributed educational robots for more than 20 years.
Some of our Partner
Robotics solution for all age levels

Robots and coding sets can be used and are effective from 3 years old.
For this age level the objective of using a robots is to give to pupils a cognitive artefact that helps them be actively engaged while using technology.
Also robots are a great support to develop abstract thinking, problem posing and problem solving, orientation and lateralization, learn how to give instructions, implement their communications and social skills while cooperating with pairs.
Security and trustability is important to: that's why that especially for this age level we focus only on premium brands solutions with extra attention to the best quality partners.

Primary school
Robots express their best in Primary schools. Here we can use them to work and empower specific subjects and topics.
Constructivist/constructionist methodological approach start to be completely effective at this age level.
There is not a preffered subject to work with robots: you can code them to develope language or grammar knowledge, to enforce maths understanding, to deepen history concept, to express the ecstatic wondering of science and much more.
Robots are active technologies that help students to focus, to visualize problems and challenge, to be more involved in their learning process, to set the concepts studied.
Robots create natural curiosity about the surrounding World and about technolgy and innovation.
In this age level we can also start introducing a simplified coding language, as Scratch.

Lower Secondary school
A way to self discovery.
Robots are great tools to understand passions, talents, way of learning.
When the age grow they can be a way to enrich more STEAM-focused lessons and to help in orientation processes.
Robots are also very powerfull tools to use when we established workshops and routine aimed to break the glass celing.

High School
Think, analize, program.
Educational robots for high-school are more advanced and are normally a great tools for technical and scientific subject.
At this age level coding become more advanced (C++, Python,...) and students can put their hands-on advanced robots, such as robotics arms, humanoids, or automation and Industry 4.0 stations.
But there are also great example of robots used with the older students to conduct debate and self-expression activities.
This is also the age level where robotics competition give the best of themselves, helping students to focus on specific careers (or University) paths and to enforce soft skills (such as cooperation, problem-solving, mediation, fair play, curiosity) that will be part of the students life forever.